Performance > Corporate Plan Initiatives

Our corporate plan initiatives

Our four strategic pillars - Service Excellence, Service Innovation, Industry Leadership and Organisational Agility - are the foundation of our value proposition to our customers, our community and industry. This section provides our 2018-19 assessment against the service delivery and capability initiatives that are central to our performance.

Performance status key
Fully met100% of deliverables for 2018-19 were achieved
Substantially met50-99% of deliverables for 2018-19 were achieved with some minor exceptions
Partially metLess than 50% of deliverables for 2018-19 were achieved

Service Excellence

Delivering our services to a standard of excellence, while improving safety and efficiency for our customers and the community.

While the aviation industry operates in an environment of significant growth, unprecedented change and complexity, we remain focused on delivering service excellence to our customers. Our commitment to service excellence drives us to continually improve safety and efficiency, cognisant of our environmental responsibilities, while rewarding the trust placed in us by communities and the Government.

The outcomes of the initiatives below ensure we are safe and secure, valued and accountable and efficient and commercial.

OneSKY ProgramSystem design review completeFully met
Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney voice communication systems commissioned
Air Traffic Service Centre modernisation program (Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth) construction commencedSubstantially met
Construction commenced in Melbourne and Brisbane. Perth to progress in 2019-20.
Supporting Increased
Airport Capacity
Brisbane new runway airspace designFully met
Melbourne new runway airspace designPartially met
Deferment of the Master Development Plan and construction schedule were announced during the year. Our work has been realigned to the new schedule.
Digital Aerodrome ServicesDigital Aerodrome Services technology roadmap finalisedFully met
Environmental Impact
of Aircraft Operations
Develop social impact criteria for aircraft noise managementFully met
Implement improved community engagement practices
Implement new environmental assessment referral criteria
New ServicesPublic Works Committee submission for Proserpine ARFFSFully met

Service Innovation

Investing to deliver enhanced and new service offerings, valued by our customers now and into the future.

We are continually identifying and exploring opportunities to work in new ways to add value to our customers and industry with improved safety, economic and operational outcomes. We are embracing innovation to develop valued services for our customers, while providing the flexibility they need to succeed in an ever changing and growing industry.

In 2018-19, we focused on activities that enhanced traditional air traffic management to minimise off-route constraints, improve the flexible use of airspace and implement a collaborative connective forecasting capability.

The outcomes of the initiatives below ensure we are efficient and commercial and innovative.

Airport Collaborative Decision MakingAirport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) system implementation commencedSubstantially met.
The implementation completion dates were rescheduled, based on the readiness of airport and airline partners to adopt the system
Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth implementation complete
Long Range
Air Traffic Flow
Long Range Air Traffic Flow Management
(LR-ATFM) implementation commenced
Fully met
Information Strategy
Information management technology and services roadmapFully met

Industry Leadership

Promoting opportunities to enhance the safe and secure growth of the aviation industry, anticipating future needs.

Our role in fostering and promoting civil aviation challenges us-as an industry leader-to be more proactive across the entire aviation ecosystem. We exemplify leadership by anticipating changes rather than responding, and bringing together stakeholders from across our industry and community to navigate complex issues. This collaboration supports industry growth, and helps create an environment for the aviation industry to thrive.

The outcomes of the initiatives below ensure we are valued and accountable, efficient and commercial and innovative.

Fostering and
Civil Aviation
ARFFS emergency airport planning established nationallyFully met
Commence Class E airspace trialPartially met.
Deliverables are part of the 2019-20 Airspace Modernisation Program
National standardisation of Class A and Class E airspace

Organisational Agility

Operating efficiently and effectively, while remaining agile to meet and exceed our customer and industry expectations.

Our organisational capability and capacity underpins everything we do. We need to set the internal conditions for service delivery and innovation to thrive, as we aim to be more agile to respond to a rapidly changing and complex environment.

This means continuing to develop a culture which is customer centric and commercially focused, and with the processes and systems in place to support our people.

The outcomes of the initiatives below are essential for us to succeed in being safe and secure, valued and accountable, efficient and commercial, and innovative.

Fostering and
Civil Aviation
ARFFS emergency airport planning established nationallyFully met
Commence Class E airspace trialFully met
Digital CapabilityAgile workplace technology implemented Fully met
Cyber ResilienceCyber security
transformation program complete
Substantially met
The Security Operations Centre went 'live' in June 2019. The final phase of the program is scheduled for completion in quarter one of 2019-20. This includes the introduction of the Cyber Security Plan 2019-2021 and benefit realisation metrics.