Airservices Annual Report

Compliance index

The annual report has been prepared in accordance with section 46 of the Public, Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013, the Public, Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2014 and subsequent amendments, including the Public, Governance, Performance and Accountability Amendment (Annual Reporting) Rule 2019. These requirements were approved on behalf of the Parliament by the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit on 4 April 2019.

DescriptionReport page/
17BBLetter of transmittal-Approval by accountable authority5
Parliamentary standards
17BCParliamentary standards of presentationConfirmed
17BDPlain English and clear designConfirmed
17BEContents of the annual report
17BE(a) Enabling legislation15
17BE(b)(i), b(ii)Purpose, objects and functions of the organisation14-15
17BE(c)Responsible Minister5
17BE(d)(e)Ministerial directions and government policy orders104
17BE(f)Any non-compliance with directions or ordersNot applicable
17BE(h)(i)Significant non-compliance with finance lawNot applicable
17BE(j)Information about accountable authority97-103
17BE(k)Organisational structure 17
17BE(ka)Statistics on the entity's employees on an ongoing and non‑ongoing basis,
including the following:
(a) statistics on full-time employees
(b) statistics on part-time employees
(c) statistics on gender
(d) statistics on staff location
17BE(l) Location of major activities or facilities of the entity18-19
17BE(m) Statement on corporate governance128
17BE(n)(o)Decision-making process regarding payments to other Commonwealth entities or companiesNot applicable
17BE(q)Judicial decisions or administrative tribunal decisions impacting the organisation132
17BE(r)Reports about the organisation by the Auditor General, Parliamentary Committee, Commonwealth Ombudsman or Office of the Australian Information Commissioner131-133
17BE(s)Lack of information from a subsidiaryNot applicable
17BE(t)Indemnities and insurance premiums103
17BE(ta)Information about executive remuneration134-142
17BE(u)Index of requirements164-165
Performance reports
17BE(g)Annual performance statement-Annual performance statement
in accordance with 39(1)(b) of the Act
17AF(1)Financial performance
17AF(1)(a)A discussion and analysis of the entity's financial performance30-31
17AF(1)(b)A table summarising the total resources and total payments of the entity44-45
17AD(e)Financial statements-annual financial statements in accordance with 43(4)
of the Act.

Additional statutory requirements

Ecologically sustainable development and
environmental performance
Environment Protection and Biodiversity
Conservation Act 1999 (section 516A)
Work Health and SafetyWork Health and Safety Act 2011
(Schedule 2, Part 4)
Equity and Diversity Progress reportEqual Employment Opportunity Act
(Commonwealth Authorities) Act 1987
(section 9)
Aircraft Noise Ombudsman
Annual Report 2018-19
Aircraft Noise Ombudsman Charter 2016144-162
Adverse effect of
non-commercial commitments
Air Services Act 1995 (section 51)Not