PGPA Rule Reference | Description | Report page/ comments |
17BB | Letter of transmittal-Approval by accountable authority | 5 |
Parliamentary standards | ||
17BC | Parliamentary standards of presentation | Confirmed |
17BD | Plain English and clear design | Confirmed |
17BE | Contents of the annual report | |
17BE(a) | Enabling legislation | 15 |
17BE(b)(i), b(ii) | Purpose, objects and functions of the organisation | 14-15 |
17BE(c) | Responsible Minister | 5 |
17BE(d)(e) | Ministerial directions and government policy orders | 104 |
17BE(f) | Any non-compliance with directions or orders | Not applicable |
17BE(h)(i) | Significant non-compliance with finance law | Not applicable |
17BE(j) | Information about accountable authority | 97-103 |
17BE(k) | Organisational structure | 17 |
17BE(ka) | Statistics on the entity's employees on an ongoing and nonâongoing basis, including the following: (a) statistics on full-time employees (b) statistics on part-time employees (c) statistics on gender (d) statistics on staff location | 124 |
17BE(l) | Location of major activities or facilities of the entity | 18-19 |
17BE(m) | Statement on corporate governance | 128 |
17BE(n)(o) | Decision-making process regarding payments to other Commonwealth entities or companies | Not applicable |
17BE(q) | Judicial decisions or administrative tribunal decisions impacting the organisation | 132 |
17BE(r) | Reports about the organisation by the Auditor General, Parliamentary Committee, Commonwealth Ombudsman or Office of the Australian Information Commissioner | 131-133 |
17BE(s) | Lack of information from a subsidiary | Not applicable |
17BE(t) | Indemnities and insurance premiums | 103 |
17BE(ta) | Information about executive remuneration | 134-142 |
17BE(u) | Index of requirements | 164-165 |
Performance reports | ||
17BE(g) | Annual performance statement-Annual performance statement in accordance with 39(1)(b) of the Act | 20-36 |
17AF(1) | Financial performance | |
17AF(1)(a) | A discussion and analysis of the entity's financial performance | 30-31 |
17AF(1)(b) | A table summarising the total resources and total payments of the entity | 44-45 |
17AD(e) | Financial statements-annual financial statements in accordance with 43(4) of the Act. | 38-95 |
Additional statutory requirements
Ecologically sustainable development and environmental performance | Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (section 516A) | 110-116 |
Work Health and Safety | Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Schedule 2, Part 4) | 126-127 |
Equity and Diversity Progress report | Equal Employment Opportunity Act (Commonwealth Authorities) Act 1987 (section 9) | 118-124 |
Aircraft Noise Ombudsman Annual Report 2018-19 | Aircraft Noise Ombudsman Charter 2016 | 144-162 |
Adverse effect of non-commercial commitments | Air Services Act 1995 (section 51) | Not applicable |