People Performance

Create a thriving purpose and values-led organisation.

KPI Results

2018-19 Result2019-20 Result2020-21 Target2020-21 Result
Lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR)
A lost time injury is an occurrence that resulted in time lost from work as one day or shift, permanent disability or fatality. The rate measures the number of lost time injuries per million hours worked.
Employee engagement index
Expressed as a percentage of satisfaction.
Diversity index
Expressed as a percentage of the extent to which employees feel that the work environment is inclusive of all employees.

Source: Airservices 2020-21 Corporate Plan, page 19.
* Launch of new Continuous Feedback platform (Glint) in October 2020.



Our LTIFR decreased by 56.5 per cent year-on-year, continuing its trend downwards over the past 5 years. This downward trend coincides with our targeted hazard, risk reduction and early intervention programs, which have reduced injuries in our aviation rescue fire fighters by 74 per cent compared with the previous year.

We transitioned to a new technology-led staff engagement survey in December 2020 to enable more frequent, relevant, real-time data and insights about our work environment and culture. As a result, the Employee Engagement and Diversity Index scores are based on slightly different questions from the previous annual surveys.



Redesign our operating model to operate as an efficient customer value chain while driving the right behaviours and culture across the organisation.
To deliver greater value to meet customers' needs, we implemented a new value chain operating model and reset our Leadership team. This provided us the opportunity to:
· ensure strategy and investment is focused on customer needs led by a newly established customer experience function.
· reduce our cost-to-service by removing duplication and silos.
· support our cultural transformation by influencing customer-centric mindset and behaviours.

We adapted and changed to more flexible workplaces and working arrangements and implemented Microsoft Office 365 (M365). This new secure platform will facilitate our ability to work from anywhere, at any time and from any device.
Deliver actions in response to the recommendations from the Review of Culture at Airservices Australia, and enhance leadership to build a foundation of trust, care and accountability.
We implemented changes to our workplace to drive sustainable cultural reform, including:
· established a Cultural Reform Board to oversee the implementation of our commitments.
· implemented Safe Place, an independent unit designed to provide our people with a compassionate and human-centred response to negative workplace behaviours.
· launched our redesigned Purpose and Values to align to our desired culture, and continue to embed the new values across the organisation.
· established a series of employee networks that allow people to act as champions and allies and promote an inclusive workplace experience.
· updated our code of conduct standard to ensure a safe, inclusive and respectful workplace.
· adopted a new facilities inclusion standard for all our facilities to ensure our workplaces are inclusive and comfortable for all staff. We assessed all existing facilities against these new standards, identifying the work required to close any gaps.
· introduced a values-based behavioural assessment to pass probation, and the assessment of our leaders against our new leadership standard.

Launched a Leadership program involving virtual modules, 360-degree feedback, action-planning and coaching to support our leaders to deliver our target culture, focusing on developing values-based leaders who are courageous, vulnerable and authentic in their practice.
Develop a sustainable strategic workforce planning approach/framework, and identify ongoing skill and capability requirements (skills, culture, mindset).
We developed and presented a strategic workforce plan and framework for organisational workforce planning.

We recruited new capabilities to focus on the current and future skill and capability requirements for enabling functions.

Case Study

Employee Networks

We launched 3 Employee Networks as part of our continuing journey to build a more diverse and inclusive organisation.

These are:

  • ELEVATE – Pride Network for LGBTIQ+ employees and allies
  • Women@Airservices – Network for the women of Airservices and allies
  • Yakka Bunji – Network for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and allies

The networks provide an environment where our people can come together based on a shared identity or experience to raise awareness, discuss issues and advocate for change.


Our Pride Network has been proactive in the first half of 2021 in raising awareness about LGBTIQ experiences and what it means to be inclusive.

The group’s objective is to create an environment in which LGBTIQ+ people feel safe to bring their whole self to work. This vision extends beyond Airservices to the entire aviation industry.

With 45 members, it has run Pride awareness training sessions for 150 leaders, which will now be offered to all employees. It has also had high attendance at its guest speaker events.

The group is developing our Pride Inclusion Strategy in the coming months, which will set the agenda for the next 3 years.